News and events for Christine Cooper, author

Crash Course in Book Editing

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a person marking a composition

Do you know how much work book editing takes? I’m having a crash course in it while writing my debut book!

It took about 45 hours to write the first draft of Finding Value. My thought was, “Well, that wasn’t bad. I could easily do that more often.” … HA! Famous last words.

Because then the editing started.……

The edits are not done, and the editing process has already racked up almost 3 times the amount of hours it took to write. Yes, that is all being done in addition to my full time job. Most days my brain is quite mushy by the time I finish up.

Those are just my hours too. They don’t count AJ Henrickson’s (professional editor) or the beta readers’ time.

It’s definitely worth it, though. Each version is getting better and better!

Book Editing – Photo by Ron Lach on

Navigating the Book Publishing World

I have a new person on my team to help get things to the finish line – Rose Friel at Foreword Lit Consulting.

Rose is a professional networker and project manager who focuses on helping people navigate the wild world of publishing. She is making sure I don’t get lost in the publishing depths.

She has gotten me connected to the right cover designer (I’m excited to share it when it’s ready!) and has been busy working behind the scenes to get the right people to help with the details that I am in the process of learning about.

Things like how to write a book blurb that actually helps people want to read it. (I mean, I did write for people to get to read the book. Probably helpful to get them to want read it…)

While you are waiting for the launch, take a moment to follow on my Instagram or X (formally Twitter) page for ideas and concepts from the book to get you started.