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Blog – Thoughts on the Working Book Title? Plus, Editing Time

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Author Blog

Working Book Title:
Finding Value
Building a better life through finding the value of others

Will the working title stick? I will say maybe. It gets the point across, but it might need a little more pizazz. I’m sitting on it for now to see if it grows on me. Titles tend to change as the editing process matures. What are your thoughts on it? Leave a comment below.


Speaking of the editing process, I have written enough of the book to feel comfortable printing out the first draft, and I’m going through it now. I’m currently working on grammar edits and determining where the gaping holes are that need filling in.

When researching how to write a book, every place said the first draft will be bad. I will add my voice to that: the first draft is bad. Nice to know it will go up from here!

In terms of the first draft being bad, I am happy with the points made—I’d hope so since I made them! It is the flow that is all over the place. That needs to be tightened up before I’m ready to have a professional editor help polish it even further.

Excellence Over Perfection

If you are following me on social media, then you have seen some recent posts concerning aiming for excellence over perfection. The writing process is a great example of this… If I spend too much time tweaking it to become perfect, I will spend years on the editing process. Instead, I am aiming for good, and then I will get professional help to get it to great.

This process is new to me, whereas a professional editor does this work all the time. I will happily incorporate their expertise and insights to make the book greater than I could on my own. Their being smarter than me on this process will definitely bring value into my life!

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