News and events for Christine Cooper, author

G’Day from Down Under! Book Progress Update

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Don’t think that because the blog has been quiet that working on the new book has been quiet! Quite a bit of book progress has happened.

I have been quite busy working on the first pass of edits on the Finding Value book. There was a self-imposed deadline of getting everything edited by September 21st because I was heading to Australia for a pharmacy conference.

With my first round of editing completed, the book has been sent to a professional editor, AJ Hendrickson. 

With this being my first book, I am under no delusion that I will get it right without help, and AJ was wonderful to fit this developmental edit into her busy schedule at the same time I am visiting Australia. 

Love it when life works out well like that!

What is a developmental edit?

For those who are unaware of the different types of editing, a developmental edit does not review for grammar/syntax errors. A developmental edit concentrates on the flow and story presentation.

The reason developmental edits are important is because the author (me) knows what they are trying to say, but that does not mean anyone else knows what they are trying to say. A developmental editor helps identify areas that are in need of clarification or adjustment to improve clarity of the messaging.

Basically, a developmental edit makes sure the book makes sense.

Plenty left to do for book progress into publishing

Can I say that I am surprised at getting this far, this fast? I know most books take much longer to reach this point, and I am proud of myself for hustling to get here this quickly.

Don’t get me wrong, I am well aware of how much more work there is still to do.

Next up are the edits based on developmental recommendations from AJ, beta readers reviewing it, edits based on the beta readers’ recommendations, line editing, formatting, book design, marketing, publishing… The list continues on!

It’s a long process. But I have written a book! Now the work is to get it to where it’s a good book.

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